feature list
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electric-fold/retractable mirrors |
multi-function steering wheel controls |
LED taillights |
controls interface screen |
Bluetooth connectivity |
on-board computer / multi-information display |
brake assist (BAS/EBA) |
ISOFIX child seat mountings |
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Monthly instalment price
Instalments for the Suzuki Swift generally range between R 2 970 and R 3 780 per month*based on Carter customer data.
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What do I need to earn to qualify?
The minimum income to apply for finance is R 6 500 per month before deductions.
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Cash price
Cash price for Suzuki Swift is R 207 900
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high ratings
practicality 79%
fuel economy 76%
maintenance 73%
low ratings
flash 17%
clearance 3%
4x4ness 0%
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Suzuki Swift
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